If you would like to learn more how to make your home, family and neighborhood more green and resilient, this unique series of presentations is for you! River Road resident Jan Spencer has been transforming his quarter acre suburban property for 16 years and has a lot of experience to share. Jan has made presentations about repairing the urban, social and economic landscape from Oakridge and Coos Bay to Yale and MIT.
Dates - third Monday of the Month - March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20. Mix and mingle 6:30. Presentation starts at 7. River Road Annex, 1055 River Road. One block north of Govinda's on the east side of River Road at Hillcrest. Site Tour TBA.
The series will include 4 power point classroom sessions and a site tour in the nearby neighborhood. Topics will include grass to garden, rain water catchment, greening the neighborhood, making use of city programs to green the community, citizen initiative on public property in the Northwest, Block Planning, Civic culture, how to pay for making these changes and finally, the many Benefits to be gained from creating green and resilient homes, neighborhoods and community.
The course will include discussions, suggested reading and a design project.
4 classroom sessions,,, 1 tour in the nearby neighborhood
Session 1 - Monday March 21, 6:30; Intro
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Preview of the course
Key Words and Concepts
Suburban Neighborhoods
Deepening Trends
Economic Mythologies
Green Preparedness
How to Pay for These Changes
Session 2 - Monday, April 18, 6:30; Transforming A Suburban Property
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Over view of the property
Grass to Garden
Edible Landscaping
Reclaim Automobile Space
Rain Water Catchment
Solar Redesign
Food Management
Community Resource
Session 3 - Monday, May 16, 6:30; Greening A Neighborhood - River Road
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Brief Land Use History of River Road
Foto Tour - Selected Properties in the Neighborhood
Bike Tours
River Road Community Organization
Filbert Grove
School Garden
2015 North West Permaculture Convergence
Green Way Habitat Project
Session 4 - Monday, June 20, 6:30; Allies, Assets, Actions and Benefits
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
What are Allies and Assets?
Neighborhood Associations
Matching Grants
Neighborhood Watch/Front Yard Gardens
Map Your Neighborhood/Port Townsend
Common Ground Garden - Friendly Neighborhood, Eugene
Beacon Food Forest - Seattle
Neighborhood Pathways - Olympia
Alley Allies - Portland
City Repair - Portland
Gospel Garden - Medford
Detroit Soup - Detroit
Communities of Faith
Work Parties
Bike Tours
Block Planning
Benefits to Green and Resilient Homes and Neighborhoods -
Economy, Culture, Environment, Human Potential
Site Tour in The Neighborhood
Tour of Jan's Place and Other Locations in the Neighborhood To Be Announced, June or July
Block Planning, Friendly Site Tour TBA
Dates - third Monday of the Month - March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20. Mix and mingle 6:30. Presentation starts at 7. River Road Annex, 1055 River Road. One block north of Govinda's on the east side of River Road at Hillcrest. Site Tour TBA.
The series will include 4 power point classroom sessions and a site tour in the nearby neighborhood. Topics will include grass to garden, rain water catchment, greening the neighborhood, making use of city programs to green the community, citizen initiative on public property in the Northwest, Block Planning, Civic culture, how to pay for making these changes and finally, the many Benefits to be gained from creating green and resilient homes, neighborhoods and community.
The course will include discussions, suggested reading and a design project.
4 classroom sessions,,, 1 tour in the nearby neighborhood
Session 1 - Monday March 21, 6:30; Intro
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Preview of the course
Key Words and Concepts
Suburban Neighborhoods
Deepening Trends
Economic Mythologies
Green Preparedness
How to Pay for These Changes
Session 2 - Monday, April 18, 6:30; Transforming A Suburban Property
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Over view of the property
Grass to Garden
Edible Landscaping
Reclaim Automobile Space
Rain Water Catchment
Solar Redesign
Food Management
Community Resource
Session 3 - Monday, May 16, 6:30; Greening A Neighborhood - River Road
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
Brief Land Use History of River Road
Foto Tour - Selected Properties in the Neighborhood
Bike Tours
River Road Community Organization
Filbert Grove
School Garden
2015 North West Permaculture Convergence
Green Way Habitat Project
Session 4 - Monday, June 20, 6:30; Allies, Assets, Actions and Benefits
Mix and Mingle 6:30 to 7:00
What are Allies and Assets?
Neighborhood Associations
Matching Grants
Neighborhood Watch/Front Yard Gardens
Map Your Neighborhood/Port Townsend
Common Ground Garden - Friendly Neighborhood, Eugene
Beacon Food Forest - Seattle
Neighborhood Pathways - Olympia
Alley Allies - Portland
City Repair - Portland
Gospel Garden - Medford
Detroit Soup - Detroit
Communities of Faith
Work Parties
Bike Tours
Block Planning
Benefits to Green and Resilient Homes and Neighborhoods -
Economy, Culture, Environment, Human Potential
Site Tour in The Neighborhood
Tour of Jan's Place and Other Locations in the Neighborhood To Be Announced, June or July
Block Planning, Friendly Site Tour TBA