This page provides a brief history and over view of the Convergence. Also, further down is a list and description of task positions typical of a convergence.
Please have a look. We are glad to help answer your questions and welcome your interest to help organize the Convergence! This convergence will be strong on outreach to the wider community.
Convergence Hi[her]story
There is a 9 year history for this series of convergences in the Northwest. There were smaller ones at Lost Valley and in Eugene from 1998 to 2010. there are regional permaculture convergences all over the country. The Northwest Convergence alternates between Oregon and Washington State every year. Convergences have taken place in Seattle, near Seattle, Ft. Flagler, Forest Grove at Pacific University, Jefferson County Fairgrounds and a suburban neighborhood in Eugene at the neighborhood rec center. Typically, 400 to 500 people attend. Over 500 people attended at Ft. Flagler this past October. Over 700 people attended in Eugene.
Some convergences have been in rural areas, some in town. Both urban and rural locations have their plusses and minusses. This year in Portland, outreach to the wider community will be an important part of the event. Site tours, public skill share, place making installations, Permaculture Expo - these and other activities can be a way to take PC to a wider audience. A great idea is to connect with neighborhood associations, communities of faith, schools, non profits, City of Portland, Portland State University, Portland Community College, private universities and more.
The Convergence - This and That
Each year, a new [some people help out year after year] group takes on the task of organizing the Convergence. Most crew are local to where the convergence takes place although some positions are not geographically specific like registrar, program coordinator or volunteer coordinator.
The North West Permaculture Convergence Board also participates. Often times board members take on tasks. Many board members have a good deal of experience with the convergence and serve as mentors. Good communication skills are vital for organizers. Some tasks require previous related experience [not necessarily a convergence] such as overall coordinator, food management, registrar, site coordinator, program coordinator and others.
Most positions will be vetted by the board. The event coordinator can invite people they know to help. The Board needs to be in the loop in regard to the local crew, but local people need space to be creative as well. If the event site allows us to cook, the convergence head cook [there is a head cook budget] can create their own kitchen crew. There are many volunteers taking on tasks as well as work trade and scholarships. Outreach to disadvantaged communities is important.
Helping organize the Convergence is a great experience! To see the whole event come into focus over a number of months is really gratifying. And then to see it actually happen. It is work, it is a labor of love. Some positions include a modest stipend. Some tasks require a lot of work. For some tasks, there are many meetings, some by phone, some in person for local people. There is participation, support and help from the NWPC Board. The skills learned working on the Convergence can be applied to many future projects. Friends made can last a life time.
This is a self-nominating process, though the Board will have oversight on who does what work. Keywords are creativity, teamwork and resourcefulness.
A staff position is a position with a clearly defined set of responsibilities and often with a financial stipend.
NWPC Board laison will include several persons including Jan Spencer. Jan coordinated the 2015 suburban convergence in Eugene and will be very available to mentor. There will be other board members helping as well. The NWPC has friendly relations with City Repair. Neighborhood activists and Transition Towns enthusiasts are welcome!
Handles and tracks registration; familiarity with Eventbrite and Paypal is a big plus. Prepares lists of attendees, payments made, etc for use at the gate and spends a lot of time at the gate overseeing on-site registration, and prepares a post-convergence registration summary. Works with accountant, worktrade coordinator, accommodations coordinator, scholarships, and may play a role in pre-convergence communications. Oversees worktraders at the registration/ information booth.
A CPA or someone experienced in accounting. Works with Registrar and Treasurer of the Board of Directors.
SITE COORDINATOR- Local person preferred, Event Experience Necessary
Figures out where everything goes, what is needed to make everything work, what is needed to set it all up and take it all down, where tools are kept and how they are used. Works with Registrar, Convergence Coordinator, Bookstore, Trade Show, Skillshare, Tea Kitchen, Kid’s Village, as well as worktraders to set up, maintain, and clean up the site. Additionally, this person will be lead on:
SIGNS Placement of signs and what can and cannot be done in terms of poles, tape, tacks, etc. Assemble needed paints, markers, sign material, stakes, poles, etc. and oversee worktraders on this task. Consider big signs, full sheet of plywood, pre-made signs during setup, and signs used during the events.
DECORATION Natural and gaudy art, lights, color, banners waving, ambiance, whimsy. Need to line up the flags, props, etc before the event. Coordinator hopefully owns or can access supplies. There is a $100 budget for materials. Solicit people to bring things to loan or donate. Night lighting can be part of this team’s responsibility. It adds a nice atmosphere at outside events if we could have Christmas lights, luminaries, and tiki torches at specific locations and times.
ZERO WASTE Oversees compost, recycling, and trash elimination. Arrange disposal of recycling and getting organic material to a nearby farm, etc. Ensures that signage is clear to keep waste streams separate
SANITATION - this may or may not be a concern
One worktrade person to periodically check the restrooms and port-a-potties to keep them clean and supplied with toilet paper.
PARKING. this may or may not be a concern
Sets up a system for people to volunteer online before the event (possibly a registration question?). Makes a list of volunteer numbers needed at which times by consulting with the kitchen team and other teams that will need volunteers. Sets up volunteer sign-up sheets at
on-site registration. Manages the volunteer scene during the event, especially welcoming people into their kitchen shifts. Works with Kitchen Coordinators, Worktrade Coordinator.
SPONSORS/FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR- Local person preferred. Great if they have experience and know local businesses and donors.
Makes a sponsorship packet which outlines tiers of donations and our thanks as publicity, vending booths, etc. Solicits and tracks sponsorships, and works with Convergence Coordinator to know what in-kind donations to ask for. Sets up crowd-funding mechanisms like Indiegogo. Applies for grants.
TRADE SHOW COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
Determines fees and siting for trade show vendors, solicits & registers them. Arrange logistics for tables/chairs, electricity, unloading, etc. Make the rounds periodically to see if anyone needs help. Works with Site Coordinator, Sponsor Coordinator, and Outreach Team.
This year NWPCC will be selling permaculture related books. The bookstore will likely be near the information booth and share worktrade staffing with them.The Bookstore Manager works with Michael Pilarski to choose books, does the ordering, and manages the worktraders at the event. Works with Registrar, Bookkeeper, and Trade Show Coordinator
The coordinator oversees that outreach and publicity are comprehensive. Writes press releases for multiple venues, manages social media (and adds some relevant ones like Youtube), manages poster distribution and updates, and much more. Keeps things up to date, interests our audience, makes NWPCC go viral, both online and word of mouth. Works with Convergence Coordinator, Recordings Coordinator, and all staff keep this person updated so they can be doing publicity on all facets of the Convergence. Keeps field Outreach team updated.
PRESENTATION COORDINATOR - Local person preferred. Could be small group
Solicit and keep a good balance of topics and presenters at the Convergence. This person sets up a system (that a team could input) for managing workshop types, titles, rooms, AV needs, pictures and bios for the website, and presenter assistance with registration, accommodations, etc, as well as any announcements and solicitation to find the right people. Arranges the introductions of keynote speakers, arranges moderators for any panels.
The coordinator, or their team, also makes a printed program and transfers info & updates to big bulletin boards at the event. Works with Site Coordinator, Webmaster, & AV Worktraders
Solicits people to do hands-on and skillshare activities. Helps with space set-up, sometimes extra tools and supplies, and any assistance needed during the event. Topics for this area can be: primitive skills, smithing, spinning, weaving, fiber craft, skills of all sorts that can be demonstrated or be hands-on. The Skillshare Village has its own schedule posted of activities throughout Saturday and Sunday. This person works with Site Coordinator (especially to know what can/cannot be done), Presenter Coordinator, and Webmaster.
SITE TOURS - A local person who knows nearby "urban homesteads", place making a la City Repair, school gardens, residential co-ops
Site tours show what permaculture looks like on the ground in real life - home, neighborhood, economics, culture
ACCOMMODATION - Local person
We will need places to stay for out of town attendees. Indoors, outdoors. Some depends on if the site allows camping.
RECORDING /DOCUMENTATION. Oversees finished products and the team (of worktraders) who is gathering videos, pictures, interviews, etc.
HEAD FOOD PERSON - Probably local, Experience Necessary
Head chef does menu planning, food ordering and lines up needed equipment. This person oversees kitchen during the event, and kitchen crew that are handling other roles below. The biggest job of the event is keeping people happily fed and managing the crew. The head food person can create their own core crew, the convergence will provide volunteers for many tasks.
ENTERTAINMENT COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
In the evenings we hope to see dances, song circles, dinner music, fireside jams, fire juggling, skits, what have you. These can be at the main Rec Center site or at various campfires in the neighborhood, and different setup and support will be needed at each. Participants can bring musical instruments and jam, song circles, etc, and this person updates convergence-goers and how/where to get involved.
KID’S VILLAGE COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
This person plans the format of the area (parents do shifts, worktraders, scheduled events, ages, available times, etc) and solicits participants. Writes up clear policies for parents to understand and sign. Sets up the area and brings or arranges supplies. Also make a bulletin board of scheduled activities and announcements. Works with Site Coordinator and Worktrade Coordinator.
Arrange for teas, coffee, tea-making supplies, cups and stove. Work with worktraders to set up a tea kitchen, manage, keep it clean, and dismantle at the end. Works with Site Coordinator, Food Donations Coordinator, Sponsor Coordinator.
Please have a look. We are glad to help answer your questions and welcome your interest to help organize the Convergence! This convergence will be strong on outreach to the wider community.
Convergence Hi[her]story
There is a 9 year history for this series of convergences in the Northwest. There were smaller ones at Lost Valley and in Eugene from 1998 to 2010. there are regional permaculture convergences all over the country. The Northwest Convergence alternates between Oregon and Washington State every year. Convergences have taken place in Seattle, near Seattle, Ft. Flagler, Forest Grove at Pacific University, Jefferson County Fairgrounds and a suburban neighborhood in Eugene at the neighborhood rec center. Typically, 400 to 500 people attend. Over 500 people attended at Ft. Flagler this past October. Over 700 people attended in Eugene.
Some convergences have been in rural areas, some in town. Both urban and rural locations have their plusses and minusses. This year in Portland, outreach to the wider community will be an important part of the event. Site tours, public skill share, place making installations, Permaculture Expo - these and other activities can be a way to take PC to a wider audience. A great idea is to connect with neighborhood associations, communities of faith, schools, non profits, City of Portland, Portland State University, Portland Community College, private universities and more.
The Convergence - This and That
Each year, a new [some people help out year after year] group takes on the task of organizing the Convergence. Most crew are local to where the convergence takes place although some positions are not geographically specific like registrar, program coordinator or volunteer coordinator.
The North West Permaculture Convergence Board also participates. Often times board members take on tasks. Many board members have a good deal of experience with the convergence and serve as mentors. Good communication skills are vital for organizers. Some tasks require previous related experience [not necessarily a convergence] such as overall coordinator, food management, registrar, site coordinator, program coordinator and others.
Most positions will be vetted by the board. The event coordinator can invite people they know to help. The Board needs to be in the loop in regard to the local crew, but local people need space to be creative as well. If the event site allows us to cook, the convergence head cook [there is a head cook budget] can create their own kitchen crew. There are many volunteers taking on tasks as well as work trade and scholarships. Outreach to disadvantaged communities is important.
Helping organize the Convergence is a great experience! To see the whole event come into focus over a number of months is really gratifying. And then to see it actually happen. It is work, it is a labor of love. Some positions include a modest stipend. Some tasks require a lot of work. For some tasks, there are many meetings, some by phone, some in person for local people. There is participation, support and help from the NWPC Board. The skills learned working on the Convergence can be applied to many future projects. Friends made can last a life time.
This is a self-nominating process, though the Board will have oversight on who does what work. Keywords are creativity, teamwork and resourcefulness.
A staff position is a position with a clearly defined set of responsibilities and often with a financial stipend.
- It’s a self-nominating process, though the Coordinator and Board of Directors may finesse who works on what
- Some positions may work best when split into two (or more) positions. When a staff position splits, expect financial reward to split as well.Coordination of worktraders and volunteers is often noted.
- The NWPC expect all people representing the Convergence to act professionally, respond to communications in a timely manner, be courteous and clear, etc.
- As well as job duties listed below, all staff are asked to write a written report of their experience that is due two weeks after the convergence.
NWPC Board laison will include several persons including Jan Spencer. Jan coordinated the 2015 suburban convergence in Eugene and will be very available to mentor. There will be other board members helping as well. The NWPC has friendly relations with City Repair. Neighborhood activists and Transition Towns enthusiasts are welcome!
Handles and tracks registration; familiarity with Eventbrite and Paypal is a big plus. Prepares lists of attendees, payments made, etc for use at the gate and spends a lot of time at the gate overseeing on-site registration, and prepares a post-convergence registration summary. Works with accountant, worktrade coordinator, accommodations coordinator, scholarships, and may play a role in pre-convergence communications. Oversees worktraders at the registration/ information booth.
A CPA or someone experienced in accounting. Works with Registrar and Treasurer of the Board of Directors.
SITE COORDINATOR- Local person preferred, Event Experience Necessary
Figures out where everything goes, what is needed to make everything work, what is needed to set it all up and take it all down, where tools are kept and how they are used. Works with Registrar, Convergence Coordinator, Bookstore, Trade Show, Skillshare, Tea Kitchen, Kid’s Village, as well as worktraders to set up, maintain, and clean up the site. Additionally, this person will be lead on:
SIGNS Placement of signs and what can and cannot be done in terms of poles, tape, tacks, etc. Assemble needed paints, markers, sign material, stakes, poles, etc. and oversee worktraders on this task. Consider big signs, full sheet of plywood, pre-made signs during setup, and signs used during the events.
DECORATION Natural and gaudy art, lights, color, banners waving, ambiance, whimsy. Need to line up the flags, props, etc before the event. Coordinator hopefully owns or can access supplies. There is a $100 budget for materials. Solicit people to bring things to loan or donate. Night lighting can be part of this team’s responsibility. It adds a nice atmosphere at outside events if we could have Christmas lights, luminaries, and tiki torches at specific locations and times.
ZERO WASTE Oversees compost, recycling, and trash elimination. Arrange disposal of recycling and getting organic material to a nearby farm, etc. Ensures that signage is clear to keep waste streams separate
SANITATION - this may or may not be a concern
One worktrade person to periodically check the restrooms and port-a-potties to keep them clean and supplied with toilet paper.
PARKING. this may or may not be a concern
Sets up a system for people to volunteer online before the event (possibly a registration question?). Makes a list of volunteer numbers needed at which times by consulting with the kitchen team and other teams that will need volunteers. Sets up volunteer sign-up sheets at
on-site registration. Manages the volunteer scene during the event, especially welcoming people into their kitchen shifts. Works with Kitchen Coordinators, Worktrade Coordinator.
SPONSORS/FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR- Local person preferred. Great if they have experience and know local businesses and donors.
Makes a sponsorship packet which outlines tiers of donations and our thanks as publicity, vending booths, etc. Solicits and tracks sponsorships, and works with Convergence Coordinator to know what in-kind donations to ask for. Sets up crowd-funding mechanisms like Indiegogo. Applies for grants.
TRADE SHOW COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
Determines fees and siting for trade show vendors, solicits & registers them. Arrange logistics for tables/chairs, electricity, unloading, etc. Make the rounds periodically to see if anyone needs help. Works with Site Coordinator, Sponsor Coordinator, and Outreach Team.
This year NWPCC will be selling permaculture related books. The bookstore will likely be near the information booth and share worktrade staffing with them.The Bookstore Manager works with Michael Pilarski to choose books, does the ordering, and manages the worktraders at the event. Works with Registrar, Bookkeeper, and Trade Show Coordinator
The coordinator oversees that outreach and publicity are comprehensive. Writes press releases for multiple venues, manages social media (and adds some relevant ones like Youtube), manages poster distribution and updates, and much more. Keeps things up to date, interests our audience, makes NWPCC go viral, both online and word of mouth. Works with Convergence Coordinator, Recordings Coordinator, and all staff keep this person updated so they can be doing publicity on all facets of the Convergence. Keeps field Outreach team updated.
PRESENTATION COORDINATOR - Local person preferred. Could be small group
Solicit and keep a good balance of topics and presenters at the Convergence. This person sets up a system (that a team could input) for managing workshop types, titles, rooms, AV needs, pictures and bios for the website, and presenter assistance with registration, accommodations, etc, as well as any announcements and solicitation to find the right people. Arranges the introductions of keynote speakers, arranges moderators for any panels.
The coordinator, or their team, also makes a printed program and transfers info & updates to big bulletin boards at the event. Works with Site Coordinator, Webmaster, & AV Worktraders
Solicits people to do hands-on and skillshare activities. Helps with space set-up, sometimes extra tools and supplies, and any assistance needed during the event. Topics for this area can be: primitive skills, smithing, spinning, weaving, fiber craft, skills of all sorts that can be demonstrated or be hands-on. The Skillshare Village has its own schedule posted of activities throughout Saturday and Sunday. This person works with Site Coordinator (especially to know what can/cannot be done), Presenter Coordinator, and Webmaster.
SITE TOURS - A local person who knows nearby "urban homesteads", place making a la City Repair, school gardens, residential co-ops
Site tours show what permaculture looks like on the ground in real life - home, neighborhood, economics, culture
ACCOMMODATION - Local person
We will need places to stay for out of town attendees. Indoors, outdoors. Some depends on if the site allows camping.
RECORDING /DOCUMENTATION. Oversees finished products and the team (of worktraders) who is gathering videos, pictures, interviews, etc.
- Audio and video recording? Perhaps interviews to be broadcast/online.
- Live streaming
- Youtubes?
HEAD FOOD PERSON - Probably local, Experience Necessary
Head chef does menu planning, food ordering and lines up needed equipment. This person oversees kitchen during the event, and kitchen crew that are handling other roles below. The biggest job of the event is keeping people happily fed and managing the crew. The head food person can create their own core crew, the convergence will provide volunteers for many tasks.
- THE FOOD COMMISSAR (at event) receives food donations, sorts, stores and lets cooks know what is coming in during the event.
- VARIOUS CHEFS who lead particular meals, in conjunction with specialty cooks who can prepare specific types of food such as raw food, vegan, salads, desserts, meat dishes, etc.
- SERVING LINE COORDINATOR. The goal is that lines are not too long, otherwise meals go overtime and people don’t get to workshops on time, etc. Decide on number of tables, vegetarian/meat-eater tables, servers, etc. Will work with the Volunteer Coordinator for any work needed in the lines. Separate condiment tables at the end of the lines speeds things up immensely.
- KITCHEN CLEANING COORDINATOR. This person makes sure multiple dish lines are kept functional, flowing, and sanitary, and that there is kitchen clean up after meals.
- FOOD DONATIONS (prior to event): Comes up with a plan to solicit food donations. It is a tradition at NWPCCs for participants to donate food, and this role will coordinate the expected resources, prior to the event, and be in communication with cooks about menu planning. This person also writes letters of solicitation to stores and farms who donate food, and organizes a gleaning crew the week before the event. Works with Sponsor Coordinator, Chefs, and Worktrade Coordinator.
ENTERTAINMENT COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
In the evenings we hope to see dances, song circles, dinner music, fireside jams, fire juggling, skits, what have you. These can be at the main Rec Center site or at various campfires in the neighborhood, and different setup and support will be needed at each. Participants can bring musical instruments and jam, song circles, etc, and this person updates convergence-goers and how/where to get involved.
KID’S VILLAGE COORDINATOR - Local person preferred
This person plans the format of the area (parents do shifts, worktraders, scheduled events, ages, available times, etc) and solicits participants. Writes up clear policies for parents to understand and sign. Sets up the area and brings or arranges supplies. Also make a bulletin board of scheduled activities and announcements. Works with Site Coordinator and Worktrade Coordinator.
Arrange for teas, coffee, tea-making supplies, cups and stove. Work with worktraders to set up a tea kitchen, manage, keep it clean, and dismantle at the end. Works with Site Coordinator, Food Donations Coordinator, Sponsor Coordinator.